The stigmata
Padre Pio, priest since August 1910 at the age of 23, received the visible stigmata on September 20, 1918. They will last until his death, for exactly fifty years.
The stigmata of Padre Pio offer tangible proof of God's infinite love for humanity and the reality of the redemption brought by Jesus. They are a powerful reminder of the depth of suffering Jesus endured out of love for us, and of his desire to save us. By contemplating the stigmata of Padre Pio, believers are invited to meditate on the reality of the presence of Jesus among us. Padre Pio thus becomes a concrete example of intimate union with Christ and sharing in his saving passion.
Padre Pio's message
The life of Padre Pio is a message of hope that resonates with the message that Jesus of Nazareth came to bring to humanity. For two thousand years, the Church has endeavored to transmit this hope through the testimonies of its saints. The life of Padre Pio reminds believers that even in the midst of trials and difficulties, it is possible to find hope and strength in God. His example shows that it is not a simple abstract concept, but a living reality experienced here and now. Following the example of Padre Pio, believers are encouraged to cultivate their personal relationship with God, to live according to the teachings of Jesus, and to be instruments of love and hope in the world.
His example encourages us to draw our strength and hope from God, to live according to the teachings of Jesus, and to be witnesses of love and hope in the world. Father Placido managed to photograph Padre Pio, his hands crossed on his chest, the stigmata clearly visible. This is the oldest photograph of the stigmatized Padre in existence. The hands are clearly visible, circular like a small coin. Less known, because less visible, bloody wounds on the back, around the head and on the right shoulder are attested by several witnesses and various linens and clothing stained with blood piously preserved at the convent of San Giovanni Rotondo.
The bilocation
Padre Pio is also the gift of Bilocation. How to interpret such charisma?
It seems not only impossible but preposterous, even ridiculous, that God would allow one of his creatures to escape for a moment the common laws of space and time. However, upon reflection, we notice that this bilocation never occurs of Padre Pio's own will. He does not suddenly decide to go to a certain place because it is his pleasure, even if it is to edify the crowds! Bilocation occurs because there is an emergency, serious danger, a soul or body to be saved. All supernatural graces or mystical gifts are only ever granted for the good of souls and never for the glorification of the one who is the beneficiary.
Example of Bilocation
During the 2nd World War, Anglo-American air force pilots say that when they were flying over Mount Gargano to carry out bombing raids, they saw a monk in the sky, who with his hands injured, and forbade them to throw away their bombs. While the towns of Puglia were being bombed, no bomb fell on the city of Padre Pio. After the war, the aviators, on their way to San Giovanni Rotondo, recognized Padre Pio as the brother they had seen during their flight.
Celebration of a mass by Padre Pio, In 1951, in Czechoslovakia, Padre Pio celebrated a mass in the chapel of a nuns' monastery. After the celebration, the sisters went to the sacristy to thank Padre Pio for his visit and offer him a cup of coffee. However, there was no one in the sacristy. The sisters thus discovered that he had gone to see them in bilocation.
Padre Pio prays to Saint Pius The Pope asked Blessed Don Orione his opinion on this matter. Don Orione replied: “I saw it too. He was in prayer, kneeling before Saint Pius X. He looked at me smiling, then he disappeared.”
General Cardona escapes suicide After his defeat at Caporetto, General Cardona fell into a deep depression and made the decision to end his life. One afternoon he retired to his room, demanding that his orderly not say anything to anyone. He went to a drawer and took out a pistol, pressing it to his temple. At that moment, he heard a voice saying to him: “Come on general, do you really want to do this stupid thing?” This voice and the presence of a monk dissuaded him from ending it and left him petrified. But how could this character have entered his room? He asked for explanations from his orderly, who told him that he had not seen anyone pass.
Years later, the general learned through the press that a monk in Gargano was working miracles. He traveled incognito to San Giovanni Rotondo. And what was his surprise when he recognized, in the Capuchin monk, the one he had seen in his room! “We were barely saved that afternoon, isn’t that so?” Padre Pio whispered to him.
The Rosary
Like all the great Apostles, he suffered, and it is in suffering that Padre PIO will manifest the heroic nature of his virtues, humility, charity and obedience.
Saint Francis of Assisi will become for eternity: “The Poverello” in renouncing wealth. The other François Forgione, born poor, will do everything for the poor, the suffering and the destitute, for the glory of God, For him the wickedness of men, the suffering, the slander, the humiliations.
In imitation of Jesus: “He was silent”.
For Padre PIO, it is certain that the Cross and the rosary were his occupations and will remain so until the end of his life.
He will die pronouncing the names: “MARY and JESUS”.
Padre Pio described the rosary as one of his “weapons”. But what did he mean? Far from advocating any violence, Padre Pio spoke in this way to testify to the power of the rosary.
Padre Pio and the Most Holy Virgin Mary
Padre PIO's devotion to the Most Holy Virgin Mary is one of the essential components of his spirituality. He does not have tender enough words for the Mother of Jesus.
He laments his inability to thank her as he would like and in a fervent impulse he invites all creatures to love her, for she is truly worthy of being loved. »
The spirituality of Padre PIO has a profoundly Marian character.
Throughout his life he continually prayed to the Blessed Virgin, day and night with the Holy Rosary.
All his requests for grace came through prayer, the rosary which he called: “His Weapon”.
All the graces obtained by Padre PIO, and they are innumerable, healings, conversions, came through his intercessory prayers with MARY. Padre PIO never performed a miracle, not a single one.
God alone works miracles, To obtain all his miracles,
Padre PIO appealed to God. He was a tool that God used. Padre PIO paid with his sufferings, his sacrifices, his humiliations, his struggles, the miracles they obtained from God.